<body> this is my story so listen
ab0ut me

ms. bear loover
d0n't get me wr0ng but bears are cute and please fuck 0ff if you piss them

bear products



i l0ve bears
pandas, grizzlies
i hate snakes

...EXIBITIONS of bears

  • May 2008
  • June 2008
  • August 2008
  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • January 2009

  • gurl talk

    insert tagboard here

    ...Lost in the eyes of a bear

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by bear with an ice heart

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Sunday, August 31, 2008

    ok , first of all , i'm dying here . Well , thats not actually true , but what i mean is that this life i am living is full of sorrow . Well , i guess life is like that but not this bad , grades have been hard , its even unfair to have a C in math but technically , i am in math B so the highest grade is A- and so if i am B- in reality , i will have a C in math B . Get the picture . Life's way complicated this year , I hated it . Full of pain , you know what I mean .
    Today , we are suppose to go rock climbing but it was canceled and it sucks man . Can it get any more miserable . Well , i got to go live my misery again . Maybe my next entry will be worst than this . ok bye !

    d0n't judge a b0ok by its c0ver ;

    Saturday, August 30, 2008

    please , i don't want anymore problems. Its so annoying being in love . wait, i don't want to say that word . He is a third year and my gosh , he is like a vampire , he is like my edward . Haha ! :] . I wish he is mine . No more problems . Wait i Still have , my grades , in math , i'm suppose to be a B- student but now its getting low , but i'm not telling what . It's so unfair , I hate it , life is so unfair . This is not experience , this is torture . This is bullsh-- , i don't like it . This Mr Vampire , i'm so crazy about him , what can i do . I won't even say i'm in love . Oh no , i won't , i won't say i'm in love. OK wrong lyrics . My life is like a book , there are always problems . Well , ok , bye !!

    lifes bullcrap .
    haha ! pretend i did not say that . haha !

    d0n't judge a b0ok by its c0ver ;